So, after spending nearly this entire weekend (Sat - Mon all day) Working nearly non-stop on stuff for this class and web design, I've come to the conclusion that there's no way I'm going to get everything done the way I have it arranged right now. I know that animation for this class should be priority, but at the moment, I'm much more concerned with being able to build nice assets and backgrounds for the animation. Still, the backgrounds I know can come later for the most part if I hand-paint them.
Oct. 11th - major character sketches, finish last half of last revised storyboards
13th - Clean-up storyboards and turn into slideshow.
15th-18th Fall Break - Detailed Sketch of at least five of the Hand-Painted Backgrounds, begin animatic
20th - Have all basic assets in production
25th - have a draft of scratch track recorded, finish animatic
27th - completed resume
November 1st - have all backgrounds sketched out, Have all assets (except for backgrounds) completed.
3rd - have a list of potential voice actors, begin animation
8th - continue animation, completed demo reels, revised resume
10th - continue animation
15th - Continue animation, confirm and start recording voices, revised demo reels
17th - Continue animation, begin animation lip sync
22nd - Continue animation
24th Thanksgiving Break- Thanksgiving (Spending time with family... not working today.)
29th - continue animation
December 1st - Finish recording voices
6th - continue animation
8th - Have bulk of animation finished, demo reels finished, and resume finished
Winter Break - Hand Paint All Background Panels
January 17th - Have organized presentation to show on first/second day.
19th - continue animation, begin drafting cover letters
24th - continue animation
26th - continue animation
31st - Finish animation
February 2nd - Finish Coloring any uncolored assets, Rerecord voices to animation
7th - Begin animation revision animation revision, begin sending out for job positions
9th - continue animation revision, add revised voices to animation
14th - continue animation revision
16th - continue animation revision
21st - continue animation revision, and begin adding any effects deemed necessary
23rd - continue animation revision and cleaning, continue effects
28th - continue animation and cleaning, finish effects
March 1st - Record sound, continue animation cleaning
6th - Begin sound mixing, continue animation cleaning
8th - Mix sound, finish animation cleaning
13th - Mix sound
15th - Mix sound
20th - Finished Product - Draft
22nd - 1st Revision - Finished Product
27th - 2nd Revision Finished Product
29th - Finished animation, be ready to turn in.
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