Thursday, November 3, 2011


So here we are again.

I'll be honest... in my head this project went a lot smoother before I started on it.  I feel like I'm always trying to smooth out bumps in the road.  One thing I did notice about myself is that I need to work smarter.  Another is that I have to give myself at least a little time off or I go insane, and trust me that isn't pretty.  I also noticed that I get caught up in small details and just sit there and keep hammering away at them until I think they're good enough to move on, making the bigger work take ten times longer than it should.  Ideally, I would be almost halfway through animating at this point, but unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, so I'm doing multiple things at once, trying to get to the point where I can start animating.

I began to make the views for the assets of the main character.  And as I began to make the side view with a photo reference, I noticed that I need to go back and change the curvature in her chest and butt area.

Unfortunately, my version of Illustrator isn't compatible with CS5, which I was using at the school during class for the back view, so I'm going to have to go back there and change the settings so I can work on her again.

People take me forever to draw for me, which is probably why I haven't even gotten all of her views done yet.  So that's not good.  My drawing skill is something that can always use improvement.

Considering where I started though, the current sketch of Lisa is a huge improvement:

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3

Sketch #4

Sketch #5

So, if there's anything I can say for myself... it's that I've improved greatly. 

The animatic is one of those things I'm not accustomed to dealing with. I'm still having issues with it, mostly because I'm tired of messing with it, and I'm ready to move on.  I'm also not digging the bus thing.  I tried an alternate scene that I thought would be a good way to try and bring out more of personality, but I still don't feel happy with it.  So I'd say, at this point, I'm frustrated, and I'm about ready to throw my hands up in the air.

But by far the reason why I'm the most unhappy at the moment has to do with a complete throw-away of the original goal of this BFA.  It was supposed to be a short (30 - 45 second) animation that focused mostly on fine detail.  Now, it's almost 2 mins, and fine detail is pretty much impossible because I'm working with a rigged character in after effects.  So yeah, I'm still unhappy about that... probably will be forever... but you know.

Another thing that I'm unhappy with, is that there were times when I should've put my foot down and said, "I'm not fucking doing that," but I still made the change anyway.  And then I would find out later that the change wasn't working.  That annoys me to no end.  And what kills me is that I knew better than to follow what I knew was going to end up sinking the boat.  So, while some of the class's ideas were extremely helpful, some were not so helpful.  And being constantly bombarded with my roommates & boyfriend's opinions too, who were more often than not on my side, made things even harder.  So, my problem is and always has been--since I got into this school, the very first day--my self-esteem.  I don't ever feel like any of my work is up to par. It makes me want to hide my work in a glove compartment rather than show it to a professional audience.

So where I'm at right now, I need to find some inspiration to keep a steady pace going.  

From here, I'm going to try and create something that I'd actually like to show to someone.  That's the new goal of this BFA.  It's the reason why I want to hand-paint my backgrounds, and why I want to send time on lighting and coloring.

So, while, I'm sort of losing my mind over BFA, I've been slacking in the rest of my professional practices.  I find myself not really finding the time to get back to potential internships, and my demo reel still hasn't been edited again since it was last seen.  The resume has been approved.  There was one or two things that I wanted to reword for the film industry's sake, but the rest is fine.  So, I need to get back to demo reels and internships.  Need to do better with professional practices.

I need more time in a day...

So all together, BFA is slowly coming along with a few hiccups along the way, and I need to work more on the professional stuff.

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