Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finals - 12-8-11

So, this semester was a series of objectives not met.  Part of that had to do with the amount of revisions the course required which kept me from moving on to bigger and better things, and part of that was simply all the things that went on with me this semester.  Towards the end, I feel like I finally started meeting my goals again, until I got to this week.  I actually would have made the deadline fine, except that I have to code three websites this weekend, which took a significant chunk out of my time to work on Senior Studio.  So, I've made peace with the fact that I haven't met my goals, and moved on.

What I have completed is all my backgrounds.  That was another aspect that put me back in the rest of my work.  The 4-5 hours I would spend making a single background (no matter the size) cut into my time that I got to work in Illustrator on the rest of the assets.  I still think working on the bulk of them over Christmas would have been a better idea, but what's past is past.

My goals for the break will be to round up what's left of the assets and get those finished.  Then I plan to get all the scenes with the news stand and the thief out of the way.  My main goals for the break is to have everything up to the fight scene done.  Preferably, I'd have the fight scene animated too, but I'm afraid the chase scene may take some time, especially since she's more active now.

I plan to deal with all the dialogue and the ending next semester.

I'm not sure how realistic this goal is because I've never had to animate in HD on my computer before, but I hope it works out.

As far as web presence goes, I just remade my youtube channel, and of course I also have a Professional Blog.  I won't post my vimeo account just yet because I haven't had a chance to clean it out yet, but I'll have it ready too eventually.

Here's the test animation:

I had some issues with getting her purse to show up the right way, even with the strap divided onto two layers, so that's something that I'm going to have to resolve when I have more time. Until then, I turned the layer off. Otherwise... little by little, I'm getting there.

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